

146477766210 pcpPastor calls for brethren to share testimonies of God's blessings on Yookos and KingsChat.
"The month of May was for us a month of blessings, and we walked in tremendous blessings throughout the month, enjoying God's special time of favour and increase," Pastor Chris said on KingsChat earlier today. 
The BLW President went on to call for brethren all over the world to post their testimonies from 'the Month of Blessings' on Yookos and KingsChat. He also encourages everyone to testify in their various churches. 
"We'll look forward to sharing some at the Communion Service this Sunday," the man of God said. Start posting your testimonies right now, as comments on the Pastor Chris Live post for today on KingsChat and all over KingsChat with #Blessings. Follow this link to access today's prayer post to comment on: